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The cannabis plant

The cannabis plant: Everything you need to know

Introduction to the cannabis plant

The cannabis plant is one of the oldest useful plants in the world and has been used for thousands of years for medicinal, spiritual and industrial purposes. There are different types of cannabis, including Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica and cannabis ruderalis each of which have unique properties and uses.

Growing and caring for cannabis

The care of cannabis plants requires special knowledge and attention. Cannabis plants need the right amount of light, water, nutrients and space to thrive. It is also important to recognize the signs of a healthy or unhealthy plant in order to detect and correct problems early on.

Harvesting and using cannabis

The harvest of cannabis is a crucial process that must be carried out carefully to preserve the quality and potency of the plant. Once harvested, cannabis can be used in a variety of ways, including making medicinal preparations, manufacturing textiles and paper and, of course, smoking or vaping.

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