Mr. Hanf Lexicon from A-Z - Technical terms about Cannabis
Lexicon for technical terms about Cannabis seeds, effects, cultivation, medicine and diseases
ADHD is an attention deficit disorder characterized by inattention, impulsivity and sometimes hyperactivity. The disorder often occurs in childhood, but can also persist in adulthood. ADHD is one of the most common diagnoses in children and adolescents and affects both boys and girls.
There are various forms of ADHD, which differ in the type and severity of symptoms. The most common symptoms of ADHD are difficulty focusing attention, problems completing tasks, restlessness and impulsivity. The symptoms can affect behavior, learning ability and social relationships.
There is no specific cause for ADHD, but many factors can play a role, such as genetic predisposition, early childhood development, environmental factors and biochemical processes in the brain. ADHD is usually diagnosed through a combination of observations, tests and interviews. There are various treatment options for ADHD, such as medication, behavioral interventions and support groups.
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ADHDAttention Deficit Disorder
AeroponicsAeroponics is a cultivation method for plants. The plants are fixed in such a way that their roots are constantly wetted by a fertilizer solution aerosol of water and nutrients produced using ultrasonic atomizers.
AnorexiaAnorexia, also known as inappetence, is the medical term for loss of appetite. Anorexia nervosa, a psychologically induced special form of anorexia, is sometimes also abbreviated as "anorexia", but this is not medically correct.
Anorexia is characterized by a loss of appetite or craving for food. If anorexia lasts longer, the feeling of hunger diminishes and serious physical damage occurs.
Active substancesThe active ingredients contained in cannabis, including THC and CBD.
AutofloweringA cannabis strain that flowers independently of the light period.
AromasThe fragrances released by cannabis plants that influence their taste and smell.
CultivationThe process by which cannabis seeds or cuttings are grown into plants.
CultivationThe process by which cannabis plants are cultivated.
Cultivation environmentThe place where cannabis plants are grown, for example outdoors or in greenhouses.
The flowering period refers to the ripening process that follows the growth phase.
BuddingIn horticulture, an asexual propagation method in which a plant is transformed into a second plant species with certain characteristics.
FloweringThe stage of the cannabis plant in which the buds and flowers form.
Flowering periodThe period in which cannabis plants flower and the buds mature.
InflorescencesThe flowers and buds at the top of the cannabis plant.
BudsAnother term for the buds and flowers at the tips of the cannabis plant.
A sepal or sepalum (plural sepals or sepala) is a leaf of the outer perianth in the flower of angiospermous plants. The entirety of the sepals of a flower is referred to as the calyx. The term sepals is only used for non-uniform perianths when the perianth is divided into calyx and corolla, not when all the perianth leaves are of the same type
CannabidiolCannabidiol (CBD) is a weakly psychoactive cannabinoid from the female Cannabis sativa / indica. Medicinally, it has an anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic and anti-nausea effect. Other pharmacological effects, such as an antipsychotic effect, are being researched.
When consuming hemp products (hashish, marijuana), a high CBD content tends to have a sedative effect, while a low CBD content tends to have a stimulating effect. Indian hemp (Cannabis indica) contains more CBD than Cannabis Sativa (including var. Ruderalis) and useful hemp. The concentrations of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD are antiproportional to each other. The ratio of THC to CBD depends on the variety and the time of harvest.
CBDCannabidiol (CBD) is a weakly psychoactive cannabinoid from the female Cannabis sativa / indica. Medicinally, it has an anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic and anti-nausea effect. Other pharmacological effects, such as an antipsychotic effect, are being researched.
When consuming hemp products (hashish, marijuana), a high CBD content tends to have a sedative effect, while a low CBD content tends to have a stimulating effect. Indian hemp (Cannabis indica) contains more CBD than Cannabis Sativa (including var. Ruderalis) and useful hemp. The concentrations of T.H.C. (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD are antiproportional to each other. The ratio of T.H.C. to CBD depends on the variety and the time of harvest.
Sedative, anticonvulsant, inhibits the growth of cancer cells
Cannabigerol is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in various Cannabis species. The concentration of CBG is higher in Cannabis indica than in other cannabis species. It has a sleep-promoting, antimicrobial effect, lowers intraocular pressure and has antibiotic properties. It also shows neuroprotective effects, may have anti-inflammatory effects and is being studied for its potential in cancer treatment
CBNCannabinol is a representative of the naturally occurring cannabinoids. It is not psychoactive and binds only very weakly to the cannabinoid 1 receptor. Modifies the "high", by-product of THC breakdown
Substances that provide cannabis plants with additional nutrients and minerals during growth.
FertilizerA form of fertilizer developed specifically for the cultivation of cannabis.
Fertilizer scheduleA plan for the use of fertilizer during the various stages of cannabis plant growth.
Fertilizer applicationThe amount of fertilizer that cannabis plants receive during growth.
The process by which the mature buds and flowers of cannabis plants are harvested.
Harvest timeThe time at which cannabis plants should be harvested to achieve the highest quality and yield.
ExtractsThe substances obtained from cannabis that can be used in various forms such as oils, capsules or creams.
Extraction processThe various methods used to extract the active components of cannabis.
"F1" stands for "first filial generation" and refers to the first generation of offspring resulting from the crossing of two parent plants. In the context of cannabis, this means that F1 cannabis has been bred from the crossing of two different cannabis varieties or subspecies.
"F1 hybrid" is a cross between F1 cannabis and another cannabis plant. These crosses are often made to combine and enhance the desired characteristics of the parent plants. For example, F1 hybrids could be made to achieve higher yields, better flavor profiles or stronger effects.
Fast versionPlants that are referred to as Fast Version are early maturing hemp plants that are ready for harvest at the end of August to mid-September, depending on the manufacturer. ATTENTION: Fast versions are not autoflowering plants!
Fimming (FIM)FIM, from the acronym FIM ("Fuck, I Missed!"), is a term used to refer to a specific trimming or pruning method used on marijuana plants during their growth phase. Fimming is essentially a way to train the marijuana plant to grow more of the valuable compounds.
FibromyalgiaFibromyalgia syndrome is a chronic disorder characterized by generalized pain in the muscles and connective tissues. Those affected feel ill, exhausted and tired. The cause of the disease is still unknown.
The properties and characteristics of cannabis plants that are determined by their genes.
GenomeThe entire genetic material of a cannabis plant.
GreenhouseA heated, lighted building in which cannabis plants are grown.
Size controlMeasures taken to control and optimize the size of cannabis plants.
Hashish, often known as hash, is a cannabis product composed of compressed or purified preparations of stalked resin glands called trichomes. Hash contains the same active ingredients as THC and other cannabinoids, but in higher concentrations than flowers or leaves. Hashish can be solid or resinous depending on the preparation; pressed hashish is usually solid, while water purified hashish called "bubble melt hash" is often a pasty substance with varying hardness and pliability, its color most often dark brown and varying towards yellow/beige, black or red.
HybridIn biology, a hybrid is an individual resulting from a cross between different genera, species, subspecies, breeds or breeding lines.
In breeding in particular, the term is used for the offspring of crosses between different breeds or breeding lines.
High blood pressure
High-stress training (HST)What is high-stress training (HST)?
High-stress training (HST) is a method of cannabis cultivation, also known as super cropping, in which the plant is deliberately injured to achieve several potential benefits. It is believed that when cannabis plants are stressed using this method, they increase their CBD and THC production and also increase their overall yields. This is because the cannabinoid compounds contained in trichomes and terpenes protect the plant when grown in the wild.
It is believed that when a plant experiences stress or perceives danger, it is triggered to produce or generate greater amounts of its defense strategy, which is what growers are looking for.
When used appropriately, high stress training can also result in a shorter but well-branched plant with many flowers.
Maximum yield explained by high stress training (HST)
The high stress training technique should only be performed on healthy plants; weak or diseased plants may not be able to withstand the additional stress.
High-stress training is performed by deliberately bending a flexible stem until it is perpendicular to the plant. This should result in more or less a 90-degree angle. The branch or branches must be secured in such a way that the plant is not damaged. A band of marking material can be used. Cords or wires can enclose the plant and cause undue stress.
For best results, high stress training should be done before the vegetative stage, but must definitely be done before the flowering stage. Leave the tape on for up to a week. If the plant springs back when removed, deliberately break the stem at the bend with a fingernail or knife.
Other forms of trimming cannabis to increase yields and cannabinoid production include low stress training, monster cropping, topping and lollipopping. Other growers simply remove their fan leaves from the plant canopy to increase the amount of light hitting the flowers.
Indica landraces originated in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the surrounding areas in India. In contrast to sativa plants, indica plants do not grow quite as tall, usually under two meters, and have broad, deep green leaves. The effect of indica varieties is relaxing and usually narcotic or sedative, the high is known as stone.
InternodesIn botany, the internode is the part of a shoot axis between two nodes (nodi), which by definition does not bear leaves.
A cigarette rolled from cannabis flowers.
JudicaA cannabis strain known for its particularly high CBD concentration.
Kush strains date back to the 1970s, when the legendary landrace variety was discovered in the Hindu Kush mountain range of Afghanistan, northern Pakistan and northwest India. Early marijuana pioneers and hippies brought Hindu Kush seeds back to the U.S. and Europe, where they began growing large quantities of Kush weed.
Years of natural and human selection of indica-dominant Kush have resulted in short, stocky bushes covered in huge, shiny trichomes, making them a perfect choice for people who want to make hashish. Kush strains are also traditionally very strong with the legendary OG Kush one of the most resilient.
The range of Kush strains available from medical dispensaries and retailers shows just how popular these genetics have become. The intense citrus flavor, skunky smell and extremely long-lasting stone are clear reasons why Kush strains will remain a popular choice for years to come.
Pure strains that grow in the wild and have been collected for breeding from all over the world.
LST"" or LST is the simple process of training your plants to grow sideways along a trellis. Tie down to force horizontal growth.
Another name for cannabis, used especially for the dried flowers and buds that are smoked or otherwise consumed.
Mother plantA cannabis plant used as starting material for clones.
MutationA change in the genetic structure of cannabis plants that can lead to new traits and characteristics.
The minerals and substances that cannabis plants need during their growth to stay healthy and strong.
Nutrient deficiencyA condition in which cannabis plants do not receive enough nutrients to stay healthy and strong.
Nutrient excessA condition in which cannabis plants receive too many nutrients and can be damaged as a result.
Neutral strainsCannabis strains that do not have dominant characteristics of either indica or sativa strains.
Organoleptic means exciting a sensory organ, touching senses and organs or exciting a sensory receptor.
OilsThe substances extracted from cannabis that can be consumed in the form of oils.
Organic substancesSubstances derived from biological materials that can be used as fertilizers or pesticides in the cultivation of cannabis.
In genetics, the phenotype or appearance is the set of all characteristics of an organism. It refers not only to morphological, but also to physiological and behavioral characteristics.
The phenotype is determined by the interaction of hereditary factors and environmental factors (modification). The extent to which the phenotype can be influenced by environmental factors depends on the reaction norm. This ability to react to environmental influences is genetically determined.
Source Wikipedia
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to extremely complex symptoms that can occur during the last four to fourteen days before the onset of menstruation in any woman's monthly cycle and cease with the onset of menstruation.
PTSDPost-traumatic stress disorder (abbreviation PTSD) is a mental illness
A process in which the trichomes (the crystalline hairs that grow on the flowers of cannabis plants) cross over and become matted, resulting in a particularly high THC content.
Cannabis Ruderalis is a wild or several wild subspecies of the Cannabis genus, the Ruderalis is known for its lower THC content. Sativa, Indica and RUDERALIS can all be easily crossed. Thus, all autoflowering strains are created because of the automatic flowering process of ruderalis. This subspecies originates from the northern plateaus of Russia and the countries of the Eastern Bloc.
RegularMale and female Cannabis seeds are mixed in each pack.
Sativa plants grow almost everywhere on our planet, pure landraces can reach an average height of between 250 cm and even 450 cm. Sativas form long, thin and light green leaves, which are used as a cliché and as a typical marijuana symbol. The high of sativa strains is often described as energetic and uplifting. Sativas are very popular with big smokers who like to get high throughout the day and are a favorite for medical users due to their extreme pain relief properties.
SCROGSCROG = Screen of Greenis the name for a cultivation technique that has been specially developed for small cultivation areas. This technique is invaluable because it allows for uniform light exposure, so that all sides of the bud are supplied with sufficient light.
SCROG is a simple method that consists of placing a screen (wire, twine or similar) between the light source and the plants. The branches then grow through this screen. The light ratio can be maximized many times over by guiding the branches so that they fill the screen and if the branches are prevented from growing past the screen, they do not get in each other's way.
ShantibabaShantibaba is a breeder based in Spain. Among other things, Shantibaba belongs to the CBD Crew and is also the main player there!
SOGSOG = Sea of Green. The cultivation method is by far one of the most productive cultivation methods with which fast and high yields can be achieved. The SOG method is not to be confused with the In principle, SOG creates the best conditions for each individual plant in a small space, so that the maximum can be extracted from the Indica varieties.
S.O.G cultivation got its name because the growing area looks like a sea of green. The plants usually remain rather short, are largely identical in stature and stand very close together, giving the impression of a sea of green. For SOG, you should choose cannabis strains that are suitable for this type of cultivation. It is generally advisable to use pure Indicas or very Indica-dominant strains.
Tha Dogg Pound, also known as D.P.G. (Dogg Pound Gangstaz), is a hip-hop group from Los Angeles and was founded in the early 1990s by Snoop Doggy DoggKurupt and Dat Nigga Daz.
THCTetrahydrocannabinol is one of the psychoactive cannabinoids and is the main intoxicating component of the hemp plant.
Analgesic, neuroprotectant, appetite stimulant
THC is one of the psychoactive cannabinoids and is the main intoxicating component of the hemp plant.
Analgesic, neuroprotectant, appetite stimulant
Tetrahydrocannabivarin is a cannabinoid. It has a similar basic structure to tetrahydrocannabinol and is present in equatorial sativa varieties.
Trichomes (plant hairs) are hair-like structures on the surfaces of plants that vary in size, shape and density and perform different functions. In cannabis varieties, the trichomes are responsible for resin production, among other things.
Individuals or companies that grow and sell cannabis plants without being dependent on larger organizations.
Asexual propagationA propagation method for cannabis plants in which no sexual reproduction takes place, but new plants are grown by cuttings, for example.
The period in the life cycle of cannabis plants during which they grow and develop, but do not yet flower.
VaporizationThe consumption of cannabis by inhaling vapors produced by heating the flowers or oils.
Pre-floweringThe period in the life cycle of cannabis plants during which the first flower buds form.
Growth phase, vegetative phase, term for the developmental stage of the plant that the plant needs to form a high-yielding flower
A chromosome that occurs in many mammals, including humans and cannabis plants, and plays an important role in reproduction. There are three X chromosomes in cannabis plants, two of which are passed on during reproduction. The third X chromosome is inactive in male cannabis plants and is not passed on.
A chromosome found in many mammals, including humans and cannabis plants, that plays an important role in reproduction. In cannabis plants, the Y chromosome is the male chromosome and is only passed on in male cannabis plants.
Persons or companies that grow and sell cannabis plants.
BulbA part of the cannabis plant that grows underground and from which the plant later sprouts.
InterfloweringThe period in the life cycle of cannabis plants during which the flower buds continue to develop and the plant slowly begins to flower.