Product description
The Nordle (Afghan Skunk) regular by Mr. Nice Seedbank; Smuggler Codename: Nordle
The regular Afghan Skunk - Smuggler Codename: Nordle by Mr. Nice is an homage to the good old days of the early 1970s when Mr. Nice was still smuggling "Afghan hashish", a product he referred to as "Nordle" when he mentioned it on the phone. The hashish back then, was very sticky, spicy sweet and had a pure structure, it released an effect that was heavenly for any stoner. It was, in short, the best hashish in the world.
Afghan Skunk is a successful attempt to bring back the 70s to your outdoor or greenhouse grow room.
The Afghan Skunk (Nordle) is a very balanced strain that is 50% Afghan and 50% Sunk, the perfect hash plant that is known for its potency and power. Thanks to its genetics, it is a high-yielding plant that is ready for harvest after 7 to 8 weeks and will delight you with 500 to 750 grams per square meter. Afghan Skunk is relatively well suited to outdoor cultivation and has good resistance to mold growth. They can be harvested outdoors from mid-October, provided they were planted in April.
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